Ana Goyén, elected new president of ENERCLUSTER during the annual assembly

  • Together with the presidency, during the assembly held today the rest of the positions of the board of directors have been renewed
  • Ana Goyén, Ingeteam executive: “The future will be renewable or it will not be, but we have two years ahead with great challenges to face”

Ana Goyén, Director of the Ingeteam Wind Energy Area, has been elected the new president of Enercluster and replaces Joaquín Ancín (ACCIONA Energy), who had held the position since January 2021.

The appointment of Ana Goyén took place during the assembly that the Navarra renewable energy cluster association held at the UPNA and during which, in addition to the presidency, the vice-presidency (Javier Villanueva from RenerCycle) and the other 13 board members.

Thus, from this moment on, the management bodies of Enercluster are made up of the following people: Ana Goyén (Ingeteam) as president, Javier Villanueva (RenerCycle) as vice-president, Mikel Sojo (ACCIONA Energía), Manuel Turiel (Barranquesa), Jon Asín (BeePlanet), Diego Oliver (Enhol), Aitor Erquicia (Eosol), Íñigo Ayerra (IED), Pello Irujo (Laulagun), Jorge Ruiz (Mekatar), Eneko Sanz (Nabrawind), Kepa Sainz (Nordex), Jaime Urcola (Sakana), Jon Lezámiz (Siemens Gamesa) and Begoña Vicente (UPNA).

The assembly was attended by 58 people representing 60% of the associated companies. The event was inaugurated with a few words from Mr. Ramón Gonzalo, rector of the UPNA, who welcomed and reiterated the university’s commitment to training future professionals in the renewable sector.

After the vote of the new board, the president, who is also part of the Sodena Board of Directors, has assured that her main objective in the term that begins now is “to ensure that Enercluster is the central piece that aligns all the actors of the sector with the objective that the renewable industry in Navarra develop, manufacture and exploit the best renewable technology, thus improving our quality of life and sustainability of the system”.

The people who make up the new management body of the cluster are facing this stage in a context in which renewable energies must have a determined drive from all areas to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis in which we are immersed.

About Enercluster

It is the Cluster of Renewable Energies of Navarra. Formed in 2017 as a cluster of the wind energy sector, in 2022 it expanded its spectrum to include the entire renewable industry in Navarra. It currently brings together more than 70 companies, giving them a voice and representing their interests in a solid and strong way

Part of the new Enercluster board.

Assembly attendees.


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